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sudharshan records a milestone!  

Sudharshan succeeds!
Sudharshan Sreekrishnan has come out with flying colours, winning his CBSE XII examination, scoring more than 80% marks !   Well done, my boy !!

It was with great anxiety we all awaited the official publication of the CBSE XII Examination results for Chennai Region on 23rd May 2007.  When the results were published on the CBSE web site precisely at 8 a.m. IST, our eyes were filled with tears of joy.

Yes, Sudharshan has made it !  He has successfully completed his mission and recorded a milestone in his education and career.  The pride and honour of this moment was inexplicably wonderful.  While everyone congratulated and appreciated Sudharshan's hard work and the resultant victory, Sudharshan owed a great deal of this credit to his mother Sumithra who strained every nerve to see him achieve this memorable win.
