My family  

I was born as the first child to my parents, Shri Anantha Narayanan (formally known as T. K. Narayanan) and Smt. N. K . Subbalakshmi, in our ancestral home located in the Old Village of Nemmara, Palakkad District of Kerala State in India. I was, however, brought up in Ernakulam where I completed my education. 

At the age of four, I joined a Kindergarten School located on Diwan's Road, Ernakulam where I spent one year before getting admitted to Standard I at Sree Rama Varma Lower Primary School, Ernakulam.  It was at this Kindergarten School that I got my first recognition - a Gift Box as a prize - for being a 'good student', whatever the criteria were!  I still remember that the name of the Head Mistress at the Kindergarten was Mrs. Indira.

It was in the same School campus that I spent the next ten years - Sree Rama Varma School - starting with Lower Primary upto Standard IV, then Upper Primary from Standard V to VII and High School from Standard VIII to X.  I also joined the National Cadet Corps (NCC) at the High School.  It was a Naval wing where I successfully completed two NCC examinations thereby qualifying to become a Petty Officer Cadet.

After leaving the School, passing the SSLC examination with a First Class, I joined a Private College at Ernakulam for Pre-Degree (Commerce Group) called Milton's College at Jews Street.  The examinations were, however, conducted by the University of Kerala.  Having completed Pre-Degree with a Second Class, I continued at the same College pursuing my graduation in Commerce.  In 1980, I completed my B.Com. Degree Examination with a First Class.

Then started my pursuit of education at the Government Law College (Evening), Ernakulam for a 3-year LL.B. Degree Course.  During the day, I worked for my father assisting his business ventures, as an independent Sales Tax Practitioner and later, for Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited (AMUL).  Though I completed the three-year course at the Law College and even cleared my Moot Court and practical sessions, I did not complete all the examinations and dropped out of the College to join my parents who had, by then, moved to Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.

Our family, then comprising me, my parents and my younger brothers Nareskkrishna and (late) Subramanian and my younger and only sister Sangeetha, migrated from the State of Kerala to Tamilnadu, in the year 1982.

In early 1989, I got married to G. Sumithra, born as the last child to her parents, Shri G. Gopalakrishnan and Smt. Namagiri Lakshmi.  Our son, Sudharshan was born at Chennai, and has since completed his CBSE XII is currently pursuing his education in law, at Bangalore, Karnataka.

My father retired from his entrepreneurship as a small-scale businessman in early 2003, having had his proprietary concern based at Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.  My mother has ever been a housewife.  Both my parents reside in their house located in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.

"Perhaps the greatest social service that can be rendered by anybody to this country and to mankind is to bring up a family. "

George Bernard Shaw

"The voice of parents is the voice of gods, for to their children they are heaven's lieutenants."

William Shakespeare

"All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."

Leo Tolstoy