
My Blogs


Blog Description Category
What captivates my attention Weblog in the English language, on topics that have engendered interest in me to elucidate my views thereon. General
Swadesam Weblog in the Malayalam Language, on selected topics. General
Thaayagam Weblog in the Tamil language, on topics of common interest. General
Sreekrishnan's Weblog Weblog in the English language, providing glimpses of an Indian expatriat's life outside India General
Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam Weblog on the famous Hindu Reglious Hymn on the Thousand Names of Lord Maha Vishnu Spiritual
Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam Weblog on the famous Hindu Religious Hymn on the Thousand Names of Sri Lalithambika Spiritual
Temples in Tamilnadu Weblog in the Tamil language, on temples in Tamilnadu that I visited during 2009 Spiritual
Notes on Marine Insurance A restricted Weblog in the English language, furnishing notes on Marine Insurance Professional
Tamil Manam A weblog on Tamil Literary Marvels including Thirukkural Literary
Captivating Contemporaries A weblog on Contemporary People who have captivated my attention General